Monday, December 30, 2013

So Shopping. Some love it, Some hate it. Not to push myself into the position of the archetypal teenage girl, but I love clothing shopping. It is an admitted addiction I have. As a girl/woman/female in this society, I enjoy looking... good. I suppose that's the plainest way to put it. And I don't just strive to look good for others, but I really do feel that when I look good on the outside, I feel good on the inside. Now some of you may relate, but others might say all that stuff about "it doesn't matter what's on the outside" "Don't judge a book by it's cover" yada yada. As much as I'd like to say that's completely true, it's so evident in out society that it's really not. Humans are beautiful things. And it's nice that we accept that, but physical appearance is really overly examined and used to judge people by. We've really accustomed ourselves to the human figure, or I suppose I should say the Ideal human figure. Nudity is more commonly seen on TV, retailers use it to their advantage in advertisement, and the like between "Sexy" and "Scandalous" is getting so much harder to distinguish. "Sexy" is skinny, and fair skinned. She's disproportionate, but that's ok because she's so "beautiful". I will proudly quote Tina Fey: "Now every girl is expected to have: caucasian blue eyes, full spanish lips, a classic button nose, hairless Asian skin with a California tan, Jamaican dance hall ass, long Swedish legs, small Japanese feet, the abs of a lesbian gym owner, the hips of a nine year-old-boy,  the arms of Michelle Obama, and doll tits". Every girl wants to be the human equivalent to the Barbie doll, and then some. And that's how you end up with women like Niki Minaj, who started out as a Jamaican rapper and successfully transformed into a human Barbie with a tan.
 So back to shopping, and yes, that immense tangent was intentional. Stores like Forever 21, H&M, Hollister and Abercrombie are the most commonly shopped at stores for girls from 14 to 26( And then there are those women who just don't know when they're too old to be wearing crop tops that say "Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It"). So these teens, like myself, saunter on into one of said stores (except Abercrombie, eew.) and start rifling thought clothes, looking for something they like, that will also be accepted by the people around them.
 Now I am of the belief that all sizes are beautiful, and I really don't understand how anyone could think differently. And these stores claim they also do (except Abercrombie, eew.) but if you look on their website, and in the stores, it's very clear that they don't. This isn't some conspiracy theory I have in hopes that I can tear down the clothing industry and right the wrongs of society (I wish). But take a look. The models are all tall, and skinny. and gorgeous  really, but that's besides the point. They're genrally curveless, and all wear 00, XS, teeny tiny, "is this made for a doll?" sized clothing. That alone, I suppose, is all good and well, but in the stores, finding sizes above medium and sometimes even that size is as impossible as finding a straight guy working at Forever 21. So picture this: A girl, who is not a size small, or even medium, goes into Forever 21 looking for clothes like any other person. she looks through shirts on display, and the pants hanging over decorative display racks. Not only does she realize there is hardly anything in her size, but also that everything is S or XS. It is my belief that the retailers intentionally put less of the M and up sizes on the floor. When a girl/woman/female thing sees that there are only smaller sizes, what is there for her to think besides 
"if there are mostly smaller sizes that mine, then everyone else wears smaller sizes than me, so there must be something wrong with me". This is how girls start developing anorexia, bulimia and other body-issue induced disorders. So can we please stop trying to make everyone the same? I mean, if everyone fit the description of the perfect woman, what fun would that be? Variety is what makes us such beautiful creatures. Do we really want to end up like ants where everyone looks the same, but everyone looks "great"? Do we really want to loose the beauty that is the differnece in every girl/woman/female thing? No. the answer is No. If you were thinking anything besides "No", then I think you'd better find a different blog to read.

Ciao for now

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